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Recently Qualified Teacher Programme (RQT)

Elston Hall Learning Trust is pleased to offer this programme to support Recently Qualified Teachers (RQTs) in their third or forth year of teaching, in order to continue to build on an excellent start to their career.


This programme has been planned and organised into core themes which is underpinned from the Early Career Framework. The programme will be delivered through a series of day sessions designed to respond to the needs of teachers in the early stages of their teaching career. 


In addition, the programme aims to provide bespoke support to enable participants to consider leadership roles and responsibilities. It will also explore ways to develop professional learning as well as new strategies to effectively participate in and lead a successful team. The opportunity to engage in and experience different school contexts to broaden experience will be a key aspect of the programme.


The programme will be led by experienced facilitators in their field and will be delivered to the group of RQTs collaboratively. We will seek to exemplify key standards outlined in the Early Career Framework by providing related practical strategies that can be easily applied in the classroom.


It builds on our successes of previous years and has been further developed to address school needs as identified by formal evaluation processes, as well as discussions with highly skilled professionals.

Elston Hall - Programme Conference Details.png

School Visits
Throughout the year, teachers will have the opportunity to visit other schools in order to gain experience in alternative settings. Good practice observations will be arranged throughout the year across all of our 6 Primary Schools within the Trust and beyond.

Target Audience
This programme is suited for Recently Qualified Teachers (in their third or forth year of teaching) or for individuals who are in first 2-5 years of their teaching career.



Elston Hall Learning Trust Contact details:

Main Contact: Rebecca Wood


Head of Partnerships for Learning


Elston Hall Learning Trust


Sarah Mallon - Executive PA

Our Academies 
Edward The Elder New Logo 2021.png
Palmers Cross Primary New Logo 2021.png
Elston Hall Primary New Logo 2021.png
Goldthorn Park Primary New Logo 2021.png
Pheasey Park Farm New Logo 2021.png
Tipton Green Junior School MAT Logo 1-8.png
Elston Hall Learning Trust Logo 2021.png
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